
Nov. 11, 2023

Key takeaways from Devoxxma -- the edge conf

One month after its latest edition, I thought Devoxx Morocco deserved a special look back on 10 editions of slowly building a brand as the number one developer conference in MENA. I’ve been around the world in tech conferences, and while some are worth it, they either stall or slowly decline in a salesy suite of corporate talks. Devoxx Morocco is fundamentally different. It’s not only about the growing audience, the consistency of xHub staff or even the record number of talks submitted.

Jul. 1, 2021

A story of Docker Migration

📦 A Docker Migration Story 🐳 What’s the process for a team to make the transition in infrastrucure from classic VMs to Container As A Service? Here’s the gist of it, as we learned it the hard way on the course of 18 months in a previous PaaS startup. (Decision Maker) Recognize the need for change: Virtual Machines (VMs) have limitations and fixed costs. Containers provide infrastructure as code, traceability, and improved performance.